Review: Bloom into you

High school student Yuu Koito looks to Touko Nanami of the student council for advice on how to turn down dates when she learns they both have no interest in relationships, but that begins to change when Touko reveals she has feelings for Yuu. First of all look at how intresting the tittle is!!!!. OnContinue reading “Review: Bloom into you”

Book Tour:You should see me in a crown

Hello Loveliness Today is the my stop at this booktour of this amazing book ‘You should see me in a crown’ Like Everytime, let me start with the synopsis :- Lizz lighty has always believed that she is too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in the small, rich , prom obsessed Midwestern town.Continue reading “Book Tour:You should see me in a crown”

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